

Good Ole Tigers

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Sebastien Douzal

Alexandre Bigot

Laurent Scarpitta

Alexandre Bigot

Alexander Bigot was born in 1978.

He studied music by himself and began to play guitar at 13.

He won the first prize of guitar with a special excelence mention when he was 18. He studied 4 years at the National school of music in Villeurbanne France, in the pop rock music departement.

His first music inflences were the Rolling Stones, Mark Knopfler, and the great french composer Bashung.

Later began a real passion for the American guitar, and i’s not finished! He likes especially the slide, the open tunings.

He played different music styles. If it’s music, he loves! He played in a lot of bands: Jazz, pop, soul,funk, rap, Irish music...On these, he worked on recordings, musical arrangements, scenography.

He recently played with TAP AND DANCE and with LEGEND’EIRE, two big irish shows.

He plays now with Rose Alleyson and she says that this guy is like a sun shinig on stage! With Rose, he plays madolin , acoustic and electric guitar, and dances. On one song, he plays mandoline and electric guitar in the same time!!»

He always smile, and when he enters in a room, everybody is happy!

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Jean Yves Lauzach

Laurent Vial